" Turn, or change, the body"
'A work of great dignity and impeccable proportions', wrote Mauize of Prerup in his guidebook of 1963. Pre Rup is located at northeast of Srah Srang and 500 meters (1,640 feet) south of the south end of the East Baray. An entrance and exit the monument from the east entrance. To climb to the upper terrace use the east stairway; it is slightly less steep than the others.
Because the temple is built entirely of brick and laterite, the warm tones of
these materials are best are seen early in the morning or when the sun is
setting. There are two views from the top terrace: the first looking east
towards Phnom Bok and the mountain chain of Phnom Kulen; and the second looking
west where the towers of Angkor Wat can be distinguished on the far horizon.
It was built in second half of the tenth century (961) by the King
Rajendraman II dedicated to the god Siva (Hindi), replica to Pre Rup style of
The boldness of
the architectural design of Pre Rup is superb and give the temple fine balance,
scale and proportion. The temple is almost identical in style to the East Mebon,
although it was built several yeas later. It is the last real 'temple-mountain '
Pre Rup was called the 'City of the East ' by Philippe Stern, a Frenchman who
worked on the site.
The Cambodians have always regarded this temple as having funerary associations
but reason is unknown. The name Prerup recalls one of the rituals of cremation
in which the silhouette of the body of the deceased, outlined with its ashes, is
successively represented according to different orientations, Some
archaeologists believe that the large vat located at the base of the east
stairway to the central area was used at cremations.
Pre Rup
dominates the vast plain, which the East Baray irrigated. Contracted on an
artificial mountain in laterite with brick towers, the plan is square and
comprises two enclosures with four entry towers each and a base with three
narrow tiers serving as a pedestal for five towers on the top platform one in
each corner and one central. The outer enclosing wall is 127 by 116 meters (417
by 380 feet).
Inside the outer laterite-enclosing wall there are two groups of three towers,
one on each side of the entrance; the towers of each group share a common base.
The middle tower in each of the two groups dominates and is more developed than
the others. It appears that the first tower on the right was never built or, if
it was, its bricks were reused somewhere else. The most complete lintel is on
the tower at the far left (south )on the east face showing in his avataras a
The next enclosure, also made of laterite, has four small entry towers, one on
each side Long galleries surround the courtyard on the enterior. The walls of
these galleries, which have sandstone porches, are built of laterite.
In the courtyard there are vestiges of long rest halls probably used by
pilgrims. They have sandstone pillars in the east and laterite walls and windows
with balusters in the west. In the northeast corner there is a curious small
square building built of large blocks of laterite and open on all four sides.
The inscription of the temple was found in gallery near this building.
On the left and
right sides of the east entry tower of the second enclosure there are libraries
with high towers. They sheltered carved stones with motifs of the nine planets
and the seven ascetics. In the center there is a vat between two rows of
sandstone pillars. Glaize suggested that this might have been, rather than a
sarcophagus, a base for a wooden building or for a statue of Nandi, the sacred
bull, the mount of Siva to whom the temple was dedicated.
the square base
has a stairway on each side . Pedestals flanking the stairways are adorned with
seated lion of which those on the lower terraces are larger than those on the
higher levels. The first two tiers are built of laterite and have simple
supporting walls with a molded base and cornice. The third tier is built of
sandstone. Two supplementary stairways are framed with lions on the east side.
Twelve small temples opening to the east and containing linga are evenly spaced
around the first tier. The upper platform is raised on a double base of molded
sandstone with stairway flanked with lions.
The five central towers on the top platform are open to the east. They all have
three false doors made of sandstone and are sculpted with figures and plant
motifs. Traces of plaster are visible on the tower in the southwest corner. At
the same tower there is a depiction of Saravati , wife of Brahma , with four
faces and arms. On the west side of this tower there is another divinity with
four arms and heads in the form of a wild boar; it is the wife of Visnu in his
avataras as a boar. Figures in the niches are surrounded by flying Apsaras at
the corners of the towers. the figures at the two west towers are feminine while
those at the east and central towers are masculine.
Source: tourismcambodia |