sq. km
Population:1,122,500 habitants (2004).
Administrative divisions:
- Districts:
Ninh Kieu, Binh Thuy,
Cai Rang, O Mon
- Rural
districts: Phong Dien, Co Do, Thot Not, Vinh Thanh.
Ethnic groups: Viet (Kinh), Khmer, Hoa, Cham...
Cantho City is located in the center of the Mekong Delta. It is contiguous to 5 provinces: Angiang on the north, Dongthap on the north-east, Haugiang on the south, Kiengiang on the west, and Vinhlong on the east. Cantho has a complex of rivers and canals such as Hau, and Cantho rivers, Thot Not, O Mon canals… Among them, the Hau River is considered a benefactor of this region, since yearly floods deposit large quantities of alluvia to the rice fields. Thank to that Cantho becomes "the green lungs of the Mekong Delta". The climate is harmonized with few of storms. It is hot, humid all year. Rainy season lasts from May to November, and dry season lasts from December to April. The annual average temperature is 27ºC.
Cantho is over its
200 years as the main town, once known as Tay Do and now one city of Vietnam.
All of economic, culture activities closely relate to river and canals which
like the “street”. Cantho has simple, poetic beauty with well-off villages under
shade of coconut trees. It is wonderful to take a boat trip along the riverbanks
on fine weather days. On the east bank of Hau River is Ninh Kieu Wharf, which is
well known for its beautiful location. Other interesting places are Bang Lang
Stock Sanctuary, Cantho and My Khanh Tourist gardens and Cantho Market.
Cantho is 34km from Vinhlong, 62km from Longxuyen, 63km from Soctrang, 104km
from Mytho, 116km from Rachgia, 117km from Chaudoc, 169km from Ho Chi Minh City
and 179km from Camau.
Road: Cantho has National Highway No.1A, 91, 80 linking to Angiang, Kiengiang
Waterway: Cantho has Cai Cui international seaport. The
city is the centre of waterway network of Mekong Delta. There are daily
hydrofoils between Ho Chi Minh City and Cantho City.
Airline: There is Tra Noc Airport.
Source: Vietnam Administration of Tourism |